Finding and Developing Tomorrow’s Leaders

Dr. Marylouise Fennell Principal Hyatt-Fennell Dr. Scott Miller President Bethany College For many years, we partnered on a program for new presidents sponsored by the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC).? Each year, new presidents would gather prior to CIC?s Presidents Institute to hear the sound advice of veteran presidents.? Early on, we heard feedback about the lack of programs for aspiring college and university leaders.? Both the CIC and the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU), along with the American Academic Leader- ship Institute (AALI), now offer outstanding leadership courses for aspiring vice presidents and presidents.? These programs […]

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Presidential Perspectives: The Enrollment-Driven Business Model and Culture

Dr. Scott Miller President Bethany College Dr. Marylouise Fennell, RSM Principal Hyatt-Fennell Reports abound of colleges and universities grappling with the realities of changing demographics, resulting in steep enrollment declines.? Nationwide, college enrollment fell about 2 percent in 2012-2013; the number of new high school graduates peaked in 2011 and is not projected to reach a new high until 2024, according to the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education. Successful presidents are fully engaged in the student enrollment process, driving a business paradigm and culture focusing on recruitment and retention while recognizing that students spend the bulk of their time […]

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Inexpensive, Realistic & Simple Initiatives to Improve Retention

John W. Dysart President The Dysart Group, Inc. Ginger Young Director of Academic Services Freed-Hardeman University Summer Judd Director of Financial Aid Freed-Hardeman University Joseph Askew Director of Admission Freed-Hardeman University Many discussions, meetings, planning sessions and research projects have been conducted at colleges and universities regarding retention.? For the hundreds of small, private colleges and universities that enroll large numbers of ?at-risk? students, proactive retention activities are extremely important.? Retention is a topic, however, that is much discussed but rarely really addressed. At many institutions, the focus has been on trying to recruit ?better? students.? Colleges have been trying […]

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Presidential Perspectives: The Board, President and Enrollment Management

Dr. Scott Miller President Bethany College Dr. Marylouise Fennell, RSM Principal Hyatt-Fennell In a climate of unfilled seats, a decline in the number of high school graduates and ?widespread concern about the price of higher education,? in the words of a November 23 front-page Washington Post article, it is vital that college boards, presidents and enrollment managers work seamlessly as a team. Working in tandem, a president and trustees can effectively advance a college or university, if expectations are clear and each understands and observes its proper role.? But frequently miscommunications occur around how ?hands on? a board should be […]

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Considering a Reduction in the Price of Tuition?

John W. Dysart President The Dysart Group, Inc. Much discussion has taken place over the last few years with regard to tuition pricing strategies, especially at private colleges and universities.? Developments in the marketplace are stimulating new approaches. – Some families are beginning to question the value of a college education and ?return on investment? concerns have been fueled by the media. – Pressure is growing from the federal government to slow the growth of college tuition. – Some states are forcing public institutions to freeze tuition or are establishing caps on their future increases. -Federal and state aid has […]

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Multiple Channel Marketing Can Be Easy

April Clark CAS Direct Marketing Services College and university recruiting efforts must now include a multitude of connections to prospective students from the menu of direct marketing methods. Direct marketing messages emphasize a focus on the prospective student, data and accountability. Hence, besides the actual communication, creation of actionable segments, pre and post campaign analytics and measurement of results are integral to any good direct marketing campaign. Characteristics that distinguish direct marketing are: -A database of names (prospective students), often with certain other relevant information such as contact number/address, demographic information, rank in high school, intent to attend college, etc., […]

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College of Saint Mary Increases the Number of New Students

John W. Dysart President The Dysart Group, Inc. Greg Fritz set a couple of priorities when he took on the role as the new Vice President of Enrollment at College of Saint Mary. The institution is a 90 year old women’s college located in Omaha, Nebraska. Greg sought to increase enrollment while actively growing the base of students seeking more information about the College and improving communication with the applicants for admission. CSM expanded its market outreach to contact prospective students in a greater geographic area. Thousands of telephone calls were made to students to encourage them to learn more […]

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The Delusion of Understanding, The Illusion of Power: Numbers

Dr. Susan Coia-Gailey Higher Education Consultant Data-Based Institutional Research As an institutional leader you need numbers, right? You need numbers/figures to make enlightened decisions, and to develop effective policies. More broadly, you need data to inform strategic plans and tactics to achieve strategic goals. Your institution’s strategic direction and goals should be guided by data. Though we may make broader reference to evidenced-based decision-making, there is always the quest for numbers, i.e., for reports, and a lot of them. Well, we’ve heard the saying, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” Figures can create the delusion of understanding and the […]

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Wesley College Continues Campus Construction and Expansion as New Student Enrollments Grow

John W. Dysart President The Dysart Group, Inc. Improvements to the physical plant continue at Wesley College in Dover, Delaware. Dr. William Johnston has led efforts to enhance buildings and grounds during his tenure. New green space and gathering areas for students have been created. The addition of new walkways and open plazas have made the campus more friendly for pedestrians. Renovation has begun on the 36,000 square-foot J. Allen Frear Federal Building. This addition to campus will serve as an education center fro the expanded Nursing program and health science area of study. The opening is scheduled for January […]

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Leveraging Athletics to Build Campus Culture and Enrollment

Dr. Scott Miller President Bethany College Dr. Marylouise Fennell, RSM Principal Hyatt-Fennell ?Competition for students has never been so intense.? The words of a 15-year veteran college president, currently serving a residential liberal arts college in the Northeast, speak to the need for innovative marketing of campus programs to meet that challenge: ?Every day I hear something new that I?ve never heard before in the continuing battle among institutions to meet the enrollment bottom line,? he points out. Robust intercollegiate athletic programs and state-of-the-art fitness facilities are one essential strategy for recruiting and retaining student-athletes. In fact, the number of […]

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