What Every College Can Learn from Underdog Brands

R. Todd Erkel Higher Education Practice Manager Elliance What?s the difference between a college with an abundance of applications and one with an unacceptably high acceptance rate? Sometimes, it?s curiosity and nerve. Adversity ? brought on by geographic isolation, shifting demographics, deep-pocketed for-profits and other Goliath competitors ? can inspire a college and university to challenge assumptions and try new approaches to gain an unfair competitive advantage. We call these schools underdog brands ? and salute the leaders willing to rethink the potential of a school website and related interactive marketing. Underdog brands evolve from thinking of a website as […]

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For Many Colleges and Universities, Now is the Right Time for Change

John W. Dysart President The Dysart Group, Inc. Another recruitment cycle has been completed and as always, there are winners and losers. Many institutions have been struggling for years to meet enrollment targets and have fallen short. Board Members, cabinet members and Presidents often know that real change is needed to secure different outcomes, but hesitate pull the trigger. Change is difficult, risky, often unpopular and can require new investments. The enrollment management landscape has changed the old days are never coming back. Here are a few reasons why now is the perfect time to implement a new enrollment model […]

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Creating Honors Programs that are Attractive to Prospective Students

John W. Dysart President The Dysart Group, Inc. Honors Programs can be beneficial to institutions in a variety of ways.? They can be useful in attracting high-ability students.? They can be effective in increasing enrollment and can improve retention rates.? Honors Programs can raise the academic discourse on campus and can even challenge faculty and staff in positive ways.? Many colleges and universities have Honors Programs but few are structured in a manner that make them very attractive to prospective students. There are several things that administrators should avoid when introducing or upgrading their Honors Programs: ??Do not set the […]

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Responding to Cutbacks in State Grant Programs

John W. Dysart President The Dysart Group, Inc. ? The poor economy is challenging for colleges and universities in many ways.? This has been a particularly difficult year for financial aid as states eliminate or reduce state grants.? Colleges and universities need to develop plans for dealing with reductions in state grants as this trend is likely to continue over the next several years. Some states are reducing commitments to state grants by making application deadlines earlier.? This has the political advantage of keeping award amounts level, while guaranteeing that overall expenditures will be reduced.? Fortunately for colleges and universities, […]

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Establishing Fourth Quarter Enrollment Priorities

John W. Dysart President The Dysart Group, Inc. There are only a couple months left before the start of another school year and much to be done. 1.How many of your admission applicants and returning students have yet to apply for financial aid? ?Given the state of the economy, it is time to take extra measures to ensure all of these students apply for aid and are awarded before the end of August.? Think about telephone outreach campaigns and special mailings. Text messaging and social networks can also be effective. 2.?How many of your admission applicants and returning students have […]

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Considerations in Selecting a New Chief Enrollment Officer

John W. Dysart President The Dysart Group, Inc. ? Filling a new vacancy for chief enrollment officer can be a difficult task.? Many college and university Presidents simply do not have significant experience in issues related to recruitment, retention and financial aid.? Campus search committees are often comprised of individuals with limited knowledge regarding enrollment management.? The following are some suggestions that can be useful in selecting the right candidate for your school: Look for a track record of success. This seems so simple.? It is so obvious.? You would be surprised, however, in how often previous success is not […]

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Roosevelt University’s Growth Spurs A New Academic Offering, Co-Curricular Program Expansion and a New Educational Tower

John W. Dysart President The Dysart Group, Inc. Colleges and universities often seek to attract and retain more students.? Higher enrollments can generate more revenue, increase diversity, foster improved academic quality and change the campus dynamic.? There is, however, so much more that growth can mean to an institution. Enrollment has increased significantly at Roosevelt University in Chicago in recent years.? The gains are fueling additional positive changes at the institution.? More traditional-aged undergraduates and a higher percentage of resident students have resulted in a major change in student activities. ? The University fielded athletic teams between 1948 and 1989.? […]

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How to Select a Financial Aid Processing Consultant

Carmen Afghani Consultant Financial Aid Services ? Webster defines consultant as ?to seek the opinion or advice of another person for making a decision.? Many people are randomly using the moniker ?Consultant,? but hiring one to assist with financial aid processing should be approached with as much caution, prudence and research as selecting an attorney or even surgeon. Selecting the right consultant can add untold value to your Financial Aid Office and yield a substantial return on your investment. For the purposes of this article, ?Consultant? can refer to either an individual consultant or a consulting firm. Determining Your Needs […]

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Taking Adult Learner Retention to the Next Level

John Hall Chief Executive Officer Greenwood & Hall The National Center for Education Statistics predicts that there will be just under 7 million adult learners by 2013. The growth of programs that cater to non-traditional students has been no less than explosive. Despite the vast financial resources that both institutions and the federal government have invested in continuing education programs, graduation rates have remained alarmingly low. As the number of adult learners continues to grow and Washington calls for increased accountability in terms of the outcomes institutions provide for their students, schools must take a fresh look at creative approaches […]

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