The Environmental Leader: How Sustainability Offers a Competitive Edge in Enrollment

A compelling reason for encouraging sound environmental practices: green initiatives can offer a competitive edge among prospective students. Curbing emissions and using clean, renewable energy sources will not only stabilize and reduce long-term energy costs, but also attract budding young environmentalists while fostering new opportunities for student research and synergistic relationships with external organizations.

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Prioritizing Professional Advising and Intervention for At-Risk Students When Resources are Scarce

Retention and completion are real challenges at so many colleges and universities. Institutions serving large numbers of at-risk students face daunting obstacles. In my experience, systematic tracking, professional academic advising and active intervention can make a material difference in retention, completion and graduation rates. Unfortunately, implementing such an approach requires investments and many schools just do not have sufficient resources to introduce these initiatives institution-wide immediately. Tracking software is necessary to monitor academic progress, participation in co-curricular activities, financial aid application rates, outstanding balances in the Business Office or missed payments, class attendance and more. Individuals will need to be […]

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Presidential Playbook: The Contemporary Transformational Model for Liberal Arts Colleges

In this issue of Enrollment Manager, we focus on the role of the president in the enrollment equation, and how sustainable, quality growth continues on many campuses resulting from sound enrollment practices led by a fully engaged president.

A winning enrollment strategy starts at the top with a president fully committed to a comprehensive enrollment plan based on an overarching vision for the institution. The Board must understand and visibly support the setting of large but realistic goals and sustainable viability to be achieved by the president?the primary spokesperson and advocate of the strategy?and his or her team.

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Make Sure Your Financial Aid Office is Doing These Ten Things

We are beginning the fourth month of the new financial aid cycle and it is a good time to pause and evaluate financial aid operations.? The higher education market is competitive and price can be an obstacle for most families.? Enrollment leaders and Presidents should take the time to touch base with their financial aid professionals to evaluate preparation for the recruitment cycle.

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The Commonwealth is Witnessing a Transformation at Virginia Wesleyan University in Virginia Beach

Major transformations of higher education institutions, although rare, certainly are not new. This newsletter has reported on several colleges and universities over the last thirteen years that have made amazing progress turning around downward trends. The recent outcomes at Virginia Wesleyan University are unique in both the breadth of positive change and success achieved during an exceptionally short period of time.

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