Multiple Channel Marketing Can Be Easy
April Clark
CAS Direct Marketing Services
College and university recruiting efforts must now include a multitude of connections to prospective students from the menu of direct marketing methods. Direct marketing messages emphasize a focus on the prospective student, data and accountability. Hence, besides the actual communication, creation of actionable segments, pre and post campaign analytics and measurement of results are integral to any good direct marketing campaign. Characteristics that distinguish direct marketing are:
-A database of names (prospective students), often with certain other relevant information such as contact number/address, demographic information, rank in high school, intent to attend college, etc., is used to develop a list of targeted entities with some existing common interests, traits or characteristics. Generating such a database is often considered part of the direct marketing campaign.
-Marketing messages are addressed directly to this list of prospects. Direct marketing relies on being able to address the members of your targeted market. Addressability comes in a variety of forms including email addresses, phone numbers, Web browser cookies, fax numbers and postal addresses.
-Direct marketing seeks to drive a specific “call to action.” For example, your direct marketing contact may ask the prospect to call the admissions office for a tour of the school, mail in a response card for a school information packet or click on a link to the college website.
-Direct marketing emphasizes trackable, measurable responses, results and costs from your prospective student contacts ? regardless of medium.
Direct marketing is practiced by colleges and universities of all sizes ? from the smallest school to the largest university. A well-executed direct advertising campaign can provide a positive return on investment by showing how many potential students responded to a clear call-to-action. General advertising eschews calls-for-action in favor of messages that try to build prospects? emotional awareness or engagement with your school brand. Even well-designed general advertisements rarely can provide their impact on the organization?s bottom line. The demonstrable result of direct marketing is the reason for its increasing popularity.
The move toward multiple channel marketing allows the prospective students and their families to choose how they are contacted. There are many ways of communication ? cell phones, email, text messages and direct mail ? from which to select.
Direct mail is and will always be the most consistent response vehicle. If the creative is good, the action desired is clear and the list is to the correct people, direct mail delivers the 3.5 ? 4.5% response rate on which we can count. Direct mail should always be used in combination with other methods in order to reach response goals.
One description of the Millennial generation includes these adjectives: confident, self-expressive, liberal, upbeat and receptive to new ideas and ways of living. Today?s millennials want, and should be getting, ?touches? by multiple channels. There is a simple way to get all the information needed to do this. It is easy to use a comprehensive direct marketing service company such as CAS to expand your prospect database to include other channels. Simply transmit your list of postal name and addresses to CAS to have landline phone numbers, cell phone numbers and email addresses appended (added).
This information gives an institution a lot of latitude in its marketing efforts. Colleges and universities can request permission to send SMS text messages or permission to call via cell phone. They can ask permission to communicate via email message. They can call the household landlines that still are connected. These are all great methods for talking to the student and his/her family.
The key is to learn how each prospective student and his/her family is comfortable communicating and then use that channel to build rapport with them. This method allows you to use your recruiting marketing dollars in the most effective manner.
Today?s fast-moving world requires a nimble marketing response to get the most from your university marketing dollars. This means using all available channels together in concert to reach your recruiting goals.
April Clark can be reached at 402-963-2049 or